Dr. Herrick's CH222



Homework Assignments See reminder on calendar       


Weekly homework assignments based on end-of-chapter problems will be submitted online via the WebAssign homework system, which you access from Blackboard via the links CH222 > Tools > WebAssign.  Students should read the Homework Guidelines before attempting the first assignment and refer back to it if questions arise concerning WebAssign.  Study groups are encouraged but remember that all work submitted must be your work and your work only. Any violations of this will be regarded as cheating and may cause you to receive a failing grade in the class. All assignments are due at 11:59 pm on the date indicated.

HW # 1

 (due Sat, Jan 8):
Introduction to WebAssign  

HW # 2  (due Tues, Jan 11):
  8:  54, 56, 77, 83, 87, 89, 91;  9:  8, 21, 23, 29, 30, 31
HW # 3  (due Tues, Jan 18):
9: 15, 40, 49, 66;  10:  3, 14, 16, 11, 18, 20, animation, 95
HW # 4  (due Tues, Jan 25):
10:  35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 49, 55, 56, 63, 69, 76, 78
HW # 5  (due Tues, Feb 1):  this assignment should be completed before the exam on Jan 27.
11:  2, 6, 10, 22, 24, 40, 48
HW # 6  (due Tues, Feb 8):
5:  24, 27, 30, 31, 33, 40, 43, 45, 46, 50, 53, animation, 56
HW # 7  (due Tues, Feb 15):
12:  8, 15, 14, 20, 27, 34(36), 38, 41, 42, 44, 74, 29
HW # 8  (due Tues, Feb 22):  this assignment should be completed before the exam on Feb. 17.
12:   50, 62, 89
HW # 9  (due  Tues, Mar 1):
13:  12, 14, 35, 71, 88, 90, 97, 100, 101, 108, 115, 156
HW #10  (due Wed, Mar 9):
16:  29, 35, 36, 38, 42, 44, 50, 72, 73, 75, 81, 112



 Copyright D. Herrick 

Homework Guidelines


Weekly homework will be regularly assigned and graded.  Due to the length and difficulty of homework assignments, it is recommended that you work on homework problems on a daily basis following lectures over the subject matter.  Do not wait until the last minute!  Homework assignments will be submitted on-line via the WebAssign homework system that you will access through Blackboard via the link CH222 > Tools > WebAssign.

What is WebAssign?
WebAssign is an on-line homework management system that allows homework to be submitted and graded electronically.  Rather than waiting for a paper to be graded and returned, you will receive your score immediately.  After the due date has passed, you can return to the site to check the correct answers.  Grades are stored and submitted to your instructor electronically, so you don’t need to do or report anything after completing the assignment.  There is no time limit when working with WebAssign and all assignments are open book and open note.

How do I know what the assignments are?
A complete listing of assignments can be found by logging on to your account at WebAssign.  Problems will generally be based on the end of chapter problems in the course text. End of chapter problems are frequently paired and you will find answers to the problems with a colored number in the back of the book.  For maximum success and learning, begin by working the colored-numbered problems and then checking your answers.  Then, complete the assigned problems on paper before going to WebAssign.  The actual values that you are given in the WebAssign problems may be different than those in the text, but the steps to solving the problem will be the same as those that you have already worked out.

When is homework due?
Homework is generally due on Tuesday and must be submitted no later than 11:59 pm.  You will be able to check due dates and times when you log on to your WebAssign account.  Individual assignments may be submitted up to three times with no penalty.  The last submission will be graded.

How do I get my WebAssign access code? 
Depending on the textbook being used in your class, an access code may have come shrink-wrapped with your text if purchased in the UO bookstore.  If not, access codes valid for one term may be purchased over the internet by logging on to WebAssign via the Blackboard web-site. There is a two week grace period at the beginning of the term during which you will be able to access WebAssign without purchasing an access code.

I registered with my access code, but I keep receiving a message that I am not registered. What does this mean?  
After entering your access code, you must be sure to click Submit. Typing Enter from the keyboard will not submit your access code and you will not be registered for the course. After successful submission of your access code, you will receive a message from WebAssign. If you do not receive this message, you have failed to successfully register.

How do I use WebAssign? 
Before you start, please note the following important points:

  • Most standard Web connections should work with WebAssign.  It is recommended that you use Netscape version 4.7 or later or Internet Explorer 5.5 or later with a 56KBPS modem, broadband, or school network.  AOL is not recommended.

  • Before starting WebAssign on a shared computer, exit any browsers and restart a browser application.  If you simply close the browser window or open a new window, login information contained in an encrypted key may not be yours.  Likewise, to prevent losing credit for the work you have done, click the Logout link and exit the browser completely when your are finished.  WebAssign will not time you out and another student could write over your work if you do not log out.

  • Make sure your browser has both JavScript and Java enabled.

Logging in:  You can log in to WebAssign via Blackboard using any Web browser connected to the Internet.  Once you have opened your web browser, log on to your Blackboard account.  After you have done this, select CH222 and log into WebAssign via the link under Communications.   Because name and ID authentication are done through Blackboard, it is important that you follow these steps when logging in, rather than going directly to the WebAssign login page.

I received the following message: "You do not appear to be listed with any department. Please contact your teacher to be added to the roster." What does this mean? 
This message generally means one of two things. Your user name and institution is in the database, but you are not in a course that is currently using WebAssign, or that your name has not yet been added to the course roster. (This may be the case if you registered late for the class.)  You should contact your instructor to resolve this situation.

Once you have logged in, you will receive your personalized WebAssign page showing courses for which the teacher has included you in the roster.  If you see more than one course, select the course you want to work on.  You will be taken to the Assignment summary page where you can do the following:

  • get to your assignments,

  • see your Past Due Assignments or All Assignments,

  • see when your assignments are due, how many submission attempts are allowed and how many you have used, and see your score out of the total possible,

  • go to your Calendar, which shows you your assignments on their due dates for all of your courses,

  • access the Student Guide,

  • use the My Options link to change your preferences and your email address,

  • Logout of WebAssign.  (DON'T FORGET!)

If you see an assignment that does not have your name at the top, you have not logged in properly.  You will not receive credit for any work you do on this assignment.

How do I get more information about using WebAssign? 
After logging on for the first time, you should take time to familiarize yourself with the Student Guide.  This is the site that you should go to whenever you have questions about using WebAssign.  You should always consult the Student Guide before asking your instructor for help on the implementation of WebAssign.  Questions related to WebAssign can also be directed to their help center: support@webassign.net.  Please note that the help center can only answer questions related to WebAssign.  They do not answer any content based questions.  (That is, they can’t help you with your homework.)

How do I submit assignments and know that they have been received? 
At anytime during your work on an assignment, you may Save Work Without Grading by clicking the link at the end of the assignment page.  After you save your work, it will be available to you the next time you click the assignment. 

When you are ready to submit one or more answers for grading click either Submit New Answers to one Question after a single question or Submit All New Answers at the end of your assignment.  WebAssign only records the answers which have changed since your last submission.  To ensure that your submission is recorded, wait for a reply from the server.  Do not click more than once on the submit button. Do not use your browser’s Back button to try to undo a submission.

Click the "plus" icon or "show details" at the top of each question to see the current score and the number of submissions used up in each part of the question.  You should check this before starting a question to see just how many submissions are allowed.

After completing assignments, you will be able to check your scores using the WebAssign gradebook.  Point totals for each assignment may vary and homework grades will be based on the percentage of points earned for each assignment, rather than total points.

How can instructors be sure that I am the one doing the assignment and not my smart friend? 
We can't.  However, we hope that you are not only honest, but wise enough to know that by having your friend do the assignment you won't receive any of the benefits, which is what this is all about.  Your smart friend probably doesn’t need any extra study assistance, but if you are thinking about cheating, you probably do.  And remember, all of the university rules regarding academic dishonesty still apply!

How can I check my homework grades on WebAssign?  
After submitting an assignment, you will see the raw score (sum of points) that you received for that assignment.  The overall homework scores are usually updated each Monday.  You can check your current overall homework grade at the My Grades link on your WebAssign home page.  On the page that opens, you will see the average of the percent scores of the past-due assignments. (Click on the score after "Homework" to see the weighting of the scores for the individual assignments.  The My Scores Summary link displays a similar summary of the raw scores and the percent scores for each past-due assignment.)  

The score that counts at the end of the term is the average of the percent scores for the 10 individual homework assignments. 




 Copyright D. Herrick