Dr. Herrick's CH222
Pressure Quiz 3




Molecular Shapes
Copyright D. Herrick


20 Questions from past exams.
Practice for speed.  Aim for 2 minutes per problem.


1. The shape of the ammonium ion NH4+ is 
A) linear G) octahedral
B) V-shaped H) square pyramidal
C) trigonal planar I) square planar
D) tetrahedral    J) T-shaped
E) trigonal pyramidal K) seesaw
F) trigonal bipyramidal    


2. The shape of the nitrate ion NO3- is
A) linear G) octahedral
B) V-shaped H) square pyramidal
C) trigonal planar   I) square planar
D) tetrahedral J) T-shaped
E) trigonal pyramidal K) seesaw
F) trigonal bipyramidal    


3. The shape of [AlF6]3- is
A) linear G) octahedral  
B) V-shaped H) square pyramidal
C) trigonal planar I) square planar
D) tetrahedral  J) T-shaped
E) trigonal pyramidal K) seesaw
F) trigonal bipyramidal    


4. The shape of PCl3 is
A) linear G) octahedral
B) V-shaped H) square pyramidal
C) trigonal planar I) square planar
D) tetrahedral J) T-shaped
E) trigonal pyramidal   K) seesaw
F) trigonal bipyramidal    


5. The shape of SF4 is 
A) linear G) octahedral
B) V-shaped H) square pyramidal
C) trigonal planar I) square planar  
D) tetrahedral J) T-shaped
E) trigonal pyramidal K) seesaw
F) trigonal bipyramidal    



Complete the Lewis structure for questions 6-9:



6. The C-N bonding consists of
A) one sigma bond 
B) one pi bond 
C) two sigma bonds
D) one sigma bond and one pi bond  
E) two pi bonds
F) two sigma bonds and one pi bond
G) one sigma bond and two pi bonds


7. The N-O-H bond angle is
A)  90° B)  109.5°    C)  120° D)  150° E)  180°


8. The C-N-O bond angle is
A)  90° B)  109.5° C)  120°   D)  150° E)  180°


9. The valence bonding between N and O  involves overlap of the atomic orbitals 
A) 2s on N and 2s on O F) sp2 on N and sp3 on O  
B) 2p on N and 2s on O G) sp3 on N and sp2 on O
C) 2s on N and 2p on O H) sp3 on N and sp3 on O
D) 2p on N and 2p on O I) sp on N and sp3 on O
E) sp2 on N and sp2 on O    


10. What are the shape and the overall polarity of  OF2 ? 
A) bent (109.5°), polar 
B) bent (109.5°), nonpolar
C) bent (120°), nonpolar
D) bent (120°), polar
E) linear (180°), nonpolar
The figure depicts a set of ____ hybrid orbitals. 

A)  sp3 B)  sp2d C)  p2d3 D) sp3d   E)  sp2d2


12. How many p orbitals participate in the formation of orbitals with tetrahedral hybridization?
A)  4 B)  3  C)  2  D)  1 E)  0



The alignment of atomic orbitals on different atoms for  pi bonding between the atoms is




14. Which bonds restrict rotation of a molecular group about the bond axis?

       1 = sigma bond,    2 = pi bond

A) 1 only
B) 2 only  
C) 1 and 2
D) none


Neglecting any possible delocalization, the bonding "5" is best described as

Questions 15-17:  trans-butadiene

A) two sigma bonds
B) two pi bonds
C) one sigma bond and one pi bond  
D) one sigma bond and two pi bonds
E) two sigma bonds and one pi bond


16. The hybridization at carbon atom "6" is
A)  s2p2  B)  sp2    C)  sp3    D)  s2p   E)  p3 


17. Including delocalization, the bonding "7" is best described as
A) a pure sigma bond
B) a pure pi bond
C) a sigma bond plus partial pi bonding  
D) a pi bond plus partial sigma bonding
E) one sigma bond plus one pi bond


18. The bonding between C and N in HCN is best described as 
A) one sigma bond and one pi bond
B) one sigma bond and two pi bonds  
C) two sigma bonds
D) two sigma bonds and one pi bond
E) three sigma bonds
F) three pi bonds

19. The expected O-S-O bond angle in the sulfate ion is
A)  90° B)  109.5°   C)  120°  D)  150° E)  180°


20. The expected Cl-I-Cl bond angle in ICl2- is 
A)  90° B)  109.5° C)  120° D)  150° E)  180°




   Copyright D. Herrick