Dr. Herrick's CH222
Information & Policy


name: Dr. David Herrick, 141 Klamath


drop-in office hrs: 12:30-1:30 Mon, 11:00-12:00 Tues, 1:00-2:00 Fri. 
WEB SITE:  http://eechem.net (best viewed with Internet Explorer)

Required reading for complete, up-to-date course information & policy:

  • text:  M.S. Silberberg, CHEMISTRY: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, 5/e. 

  • WebAssign  homework access code - three-term code included at no charge with new text purchased in the UO bookstore.  Otherwise, one-term code may be purchased separately over the internet after logging on to WebAssign via the UO Blackboard web-site.

  • Non-graphing scientific calculator (see calculator policy).


Second term of General Chemistry sequence CH221-222-223 continues with topics in Chapters 8-11, 5, 12-13 and 16.  CH221or CH224H is a prerequisite; Math 111 is a prerequisite and Math 112 is a co or prerequisite for this class.  Please speak with me if you have any questions about whether this is the correct class for you.


11:00-11:50 MWHF in COL 150.  Lectures emphasize key chemical and molecular concepts and applications.  The lectures don't reflect everything in the textbook (and vice versa), and success in the course requires careful study of both the lecture material and the assigned text material and problems.  I expect that you will be prepared for and attend class, arrive on time and not leave early, read and study the book, complete assignments, participate in classroom activities, and ask questions when you need help. I also expect you to respect your fellow students and refrain from chatting, cell phone use, online activities and outside reading during class. In return, you should expect that I will prepare clear lectures, help you understand and develop new concepts, answer your questions and show you how to apply what you have learned to new topics.


  • Free drop-in tutor help is provided by undergraduate SUPeR Chemistry Peer Learning Assistants.  SUPeR Chem is your primary source for help with homework.  

  • Self-study Pressure Quizzes to be posted at this site will include questions and answers from my previous exams, plus animated illustrations of concepts.

  • Practice quizzes for all chapters are also available at Silberberg’s Online Learning Center. 

  • The Department of Chemistry provides contact information for private tutors. The cost of this service is by arrangement with the tutor.
    For more information, visit the Chemistry office in room 91 KLA.  

  • The University Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) offers group tutoring.  Call 346-3226 for information


The UO General Chemistry Committee has adopted a policy whereby only certain models of calculators are allowed in quizzes and examinations. This is to provide a level playing field for all students and preclude devices with communications capabilities.  An inexpensive non-programmable scientific calculator without text storage or graphing capabilities (for example:  TI 30X IIS or IIB, Casio FX-115MSPlus, HP 10S, or Sharp EL-5XX series) should be brought to all quizzes and exams, even if you're not sure if you will use it.  Calculators will not be provided.  Make sure your calculator is in good working order and that batteries are fresh. If your calculator fails during testing and you have no backup, you'll have to complete the test without it.  The calculator you use should have capabilities for square roots, logarithms, scientific notation operations and a yx key.  Inquiries about the acceptability of calculators must be made in advance of entering the quiz or exam room. It is in your best interest to familiarize yourself with your exam calculator before the quiz or exam by using it for homework assignments.  The following types of calculators are NOT approved for use during quizzes and exams:

  • graphing calculator

  • pocket organizer

  • hand-held or laptop computer

  • electronic writing pad or pen input device

  • calculator with a QWERTY (typewriter-like) keypad

  • cell phone calculator

  • calculator that makes noises or "talks"

  • calculator that requires an outlet

  • calculator that accepts a "chemistry card"

  • calculator that communicates with other calculators

If it is determined that a student is using an un-approved calculator, the calculator will be confiscated and returned at the end of the exam. The student will be required to complete the examination without a calculator. Following the examination, the instructor may decide to proceed with a charge of cheating under the UO student conduct code.

 Your total score is determined according to

   Exam 1 25%      
   Exam 2 25%      
   Homework 10%   (10 assignments of equal weight)  
   Quizzes 10%   (drop lowest quiz score)  
   Final Exam 30%      
   TOTAL 100%       

The following percentages ensure the corresponding grades: 90% = A, 78% = B, 62% = C, 50% = D, <50% = F.  A 62%, for example, ensures a grade of at least  C-.  These cutoffs may be shifted downward slightly (not upward!) at the end of the term depending on course averages. If you have chosen the P/N option, you must earn the equivalent of a C- to receive a P (pass) in this course. A course grade of incomplete (I) will be considered only for individual cases with cause. An incomplete grade is not meant to be a substitute for an undesirable regular letter grade.

Academic dishonesty in any guise, including plagiarism, fabrication, and cheating, will not be tolerated.  All work submitted in this course must be your own and produced exclusively for this course.  The use of sources (ideas, quotations, paraphrases) must be properly acknowledged and documented.  Consequences of academic dishonesty range from receipt of a failing grade on the assignment to an F in the course.  All violations will be taken seriously and are noted on student disciplinary records.  For further information, refer to the UO student conduct code.

Quiz and exam answers are posted in the online lecture notes; the scores are posted in Blackboard.  Homework scores are displayed in WebAssign, and the answer keys are displayed in WebAssign the Monday after the due date.


The University of Oregon has adopted university email addresses as an official means of communication.  It is your responsibility to regularly check your UO email account in order to stay current with course communications.  Email is a very handy method for communicating with people, whether around the world or across campus. In some situations email protocol is not as formal as paper communications.  In others, (academics, jobs, etc.) there are some expectations of protocol. I ask that when communicating with me (or any faculty member) by email, you adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The subject line should include "CH222 Your Name" and the nature and topic of the email.

  • Spell correctly and use appropriate punctuation.

  • Acceptable forms of salutation:  “Dear Dr. Herrick” or “Dear Professor Herrick.” 
    Unacceptable forms of salutation:  “Hey Herrick” or “Herrick” or “David.” 

  • Always sign your messages with first and last name.  I won’t respond to unsigned messages.


In the event that a class must be canceled due to inclement weather, an email will be sent to your UO account and an announcement will be made on the CH 222 Blackboard web site.  

 Copyright D. Herrick